Does my company drug test?

If you want to learn the details of the drug testing policies from leading companies like Walmart, Amazon, Target, Aldi's, FedEx, UPS, Home Depot, Lowe's, and Starbucks, read on.

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Does my company drug test?

If you want to learn the details of the drug testing policies from leading companies like Walmart, Amazon, Target, Aldi's, FedEx, UPS, Home Depot, Lowe's, and Starbucks, read on.

If you are applying for a job or have just gotten a job offer, you may want to know whether your company drug tests. Many companies require drug tests for some, but not all, positions. In general, drug tests are more likely to be required for management and corporate positions than they are for low-level jobs. If you want to learn the details of the drug testing policies from leading companies like Walmart, Amazon, Target, Aldi's, FedEx, UPS, Home Depot, Lowe's, and Starbucks, read on.


Walmart rarely does drug tests for new hires, no matter what level the position is at. It's more likely that you will have to submit a drug test as part of the hiring process if you work in the pharmacy, auto center, or deli. Walmart does occasionally do random drug testing. The drug test used is a urine test that detects PCP, heroin, marijuana, meth, and cocaine. If you come under suspicion for potentially using drugs on the job or you are involved in a workplace accident, it is very likely that you will have to take a drug test.


Amazon does drug tests for most new hires. They also do random drug tests, drug tests for suspicious behavior, and drug tests after a workplace accident. Amazon uses a urine test that detects marijuana, meth, cocaine, heroin, and PCP. Even though this test does detect marijuana, most new hires will not be disqualified from consideration due to a positive marijuana test.


Target requires drug tests for many new hires. Target has a strict drug policy, and random tests occur frequently. Tests can also be administered after suspicious behavior or a workplace accident. Target uses a urine test that detects all major recreational drugs.


Aldi's is known to have a very strict drug-testing policy. They require tests from everyone during the hiring process. Random drug tests for employees are frequent. As with most companies, employees can be drug tested any time a supervisor suspects they are on drugs at work and after an accident. Aldi's tests for all major recreational drugs using a urine test.


FedEx drug tests all potential hires during the hiring process. They also do frequent random drug tests, as well as tests for accidents and suspicious behavior. They use a standard urine test that detects popular recreational drugs.


UPS has a more lenient drug testing policy than FedEx. They usually do not test package handlers. Drivers are more likely to be tested, but even they do not get tested very much. Of course, they will be tested after an accident. UPS uses a standard 10-panel urine test.

Home Depot

Home Depot drug tests some employees during the hiring process. Employees that must operate heavy machinery are much more likely to get drug tested. Home Depot rarely runs random drug tests but will drug test after an accident. They use a standard urine test.


Lowe's is known to have a stricter drug testing policy than Home Depot, as they test everyone during the hiring process. They also conduct random tests occasionally. Tests after an accident or suspicious behavior are common. Lowe's uses a standard urine test that detects major recreational drugs.


Starbucks is known for having a fairly lax drug testing policy. They rarely require tests during the hiring process. Random tests are uncommon. The only time employees are likely to be subjected to a test is after an accident or suspicious behavior. Starbucks uses a standard urine test.

Note: This information was current as of writing, but is subject to change without notice

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Founded in 1999, UrineTheClear® continues to be at the forefront of the drug-testing solutions industry with innovative products and procedures. We were the first on the market to dehydrate human urine, the first company to offer a 300% guarantee and continue to be the only company that utilizes GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) when testing our urine.