Urine the Clear- How We Are Different

Urine the Clear has been in the drug testing business for over 20 years. Plenty of companies sell frozen urine, but we were the first to sell dehydrated human urine—and we’re still the best at it.

Read more about how we are different...


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Feb 14

We provide one product to pass a drug test: clean, unadulterated human urine.

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Urine the Clear- How We Are Different

Urine the Clear has been in the drug testing business for over 20 years. Plenty of companies sell frozen urine, but we were the first to sell dehydrated human urine—and we’re still the best at it.

There are plenty of companies and products out there that make a lot of claims about how they can help you pass a drug test. How good are they, though? It’s a really important test that could impact the direction of your future, one way or the other. With that in mind, how many of these claims can you really trust?

The answer is, Urine the Clear. We provide the only urine testing kits that you can stake your future on. Here’s what makes us different.

Our Process

Urine the Clear has been in the drug testing business for over 20 years. Plenty of companies sell frozen urine, but we were the first to sell dehydrated human urine—and we’re still the best at it.

Not only that, but all of the urine testing kits we sell have been pre-tested to guarantee a negative test result. All of our urine is completely clean, free not only of drugs, but of any adulterants—i.e. additives that are mixed in with urine to fool the drug test.

Many of our competitors sell urine that’s been made “clean” through adulterants, which include anything from bleach to mouthwash. These adulterants may technically produce a negative test result, but they also tend to raise red flags in modern tests. Drugs don’t register, but the tests still don’t read the same as real, clean, human urine. When this happens, the sample will then be sent to a lab for further scrutiny.

This is where another difference between us and our competitors becomes evident. Our competitors test their urine samples using the immunoassay method—the first type of test you’re generally given. This test is fast, it’s cheap, and it can be done in-house. It’s also not as thorough.

We’re the only company that tests using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry—aka a full lab test. The lab test is more accurate, and can test for a wider range of drugs and adulterants than the immunoassay test can. Therefore, if you’re going to buy urine, it’s important that you know it will be able to pass that GC/MS test. Ours is the only kit that can make that guarantee.

Our Guarantees

Since 1999, we’ve sold over 50,000 urine testing kits. Over 80% of those have been to repeat customers. That means that those who use us, overwhelmingly are satisfied with their results, and trust us enough to use us again.

But why should YOU trust us? Well, that’s the other thing that sets us apart from the competition: our guarantee. If you ever receive urine from us that tests positive for drugs or adulterants, we’ll give you a 300% refund—yes, three times your money back. Just send back the unused portion of your sample, along with your positive drug test, within two weeks.

But we’re confident that you’ll never need to get that refund. We have complete confidence in our products, both frozen and dehydrated, and after you’ve tried us, we know that you will too. That’s what sets us apart from the competition: our attention to detail, and our commitment to you, the customer, and meeting your needs. We go the extra mile to make sure you pass that test. That’s why you can put your future in our hands.

To learn more about how we are different than the competition, contact us!


Founded in 1999, UrineTheClear® continues to be at the forefront of the drug-testing solutions industry with innovative products and procedures. We were the first on the market to dehydrate human urine, the first company to offer a 300% guarantee and continue to be the only company that utilizes GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) when testing our urine.