What is Synthetic Urine
A recent study shows that synthetic urine works pretty well as a reliable way to pass a drug test, but it also showed that the "Synthetic UrineCheck™" strip test is able to detect synthetic urine.
Synthetic urine takes the opposite approach to most other methods used to pass a drug test. Rather than attempting to get rid of chemicals from urine, synthetic urine suppliers start with water and add only the chemicals needed to make it look like natural urine. This is possible because 97% of urine is water and urea.
In addition to water and urea, human urine contains ammonia, sulphate, phosphate, chloride, magnesium, calcium, potassium, creatinine, and uric acid. While this isn't something you can easily mix up at home, it is relatively easy for commercial vendors to supply.
Does synthetic urine work?
Synthetic urine was originally used by drug testing labs for quality control, but is now also sold for beating a drug test. Assuming the synthetic urine isn't contaminated, there is nothing in synthetic urine that should flag the presence of drugs or illegal substances, which is why it is a good choice for passing a drug test. A recent study shows that synthetic urine works pretty well as a reliable way to pass a drug test.
However, the study also showed that the On-site synthetic urine (Synthetic UrineCheck™) test is able to detect synthetic urine. This is a simple test strip that can be used on-site by the collector or by the drug testing lab. If this test isn't used, a synthetic urine sample has a high likelihood of passing a drug test, but labs are more likely to perform this simple test as synthetic urine becomes more popular.
If you decide to use synthetic urine to try to beat a drug test, be sure to check our urine substitution article for additional advice on temperature considerations.
Are there any synthetic urine brands that can beat the Synthetic UrineCheck™ test?
Since this test is the only reliable way. other than direct observation, to reliably detect synthetic urine, you should ask about this test before ordering synthetic urine. It is a relatively new test and, aside from using the test yourself, you have to rely on your supplier or a product review to be certain it'll pass this specific test.