Urine Substitution – What Is It and How Is It Detected?
One of the best and simplest ways to beat a drug test is with urine substitution. What is it and how is it detected? Details follow.
There are all sorts of different methods of passing a drug test. Some of them have more success than others. One of the best and simplest ways, however, is urine substitution. It gives you a clean sample for your test, without a lot of the red flags that come with other methods, such as dilution. What is urine substitution? Can it be detected by drug testers? And if so, how? Here’s what you need to know.
What Is Urine Substitution?
Quite simply, urine substitution is swapping out a urine sample that’s less likely to pass a drug test, and replacing it with one that’s clean and drug-free. There are all different things you can substitute it with, including animal urine, or synthetic urine that’s specifically designed to have the same chemical makeup as the real stuff.
There are also various forms of real, human urine you can use. On its own at room temperature, urine has a short shelf life. However, if you use frozen urine, it can last anywhere from six months to a year. And if you use powdered, dehydrated urine, it can last almost indefinitely. Whatever you use as a substitute, however, the important thing is that it have all the properties of real, human urine, which a drug test will detect, without any drugs or other illicit substances.
How Can Urine Substitution Be Detected?
Just like no drug test is foolproof, no method of beating one is completely foolproof either. The easiest ones to detect are the ones that aren’t real human urine. Even though it has the same chemical makeup, modern drug tests are designed to detect the differences between real and synthetic urine. It raises certain red flags which require a retest. When the next sample is sent to a lab, it becomes much easier to tell that it isn’t real. Likewise, just about any form of animal urine, while it may look the same as human urine, has a very different composition, which will show up in analysis.
But what if you use real, human urine as your substitute? Can it be detected? It’s more difficult, but there are a few ways. Perhaps the most common is obtaining a sample from someone who themselves is not drug-free. They may think they are, but a whole host of legal, widely available substances can still cause a person to test positive, from allergy medicine Ibuprofen. This is why it’s dangerous simply to ask a friend to pee in a cup for you. You’re much safer buying urine from a company that tests it thoroughly and can guarantee negative results.
Frozen and dehydrated urine also carry risks with them, but these stem almost entirely from human error. For instance, if you’re being monitored as you give your sample, one of the easiest ways to spot a fake is the temperature. Frozen urine, even after it’s been thawed, will be cold, and dehydrated urine will likely be room temperature. It’s important to have a method of warming up the urine first, and measuring the temperature to ensure it has the right feel.
Dehydrated urine can also be given the wrong consistency. In order to reconstitute it, you add distilled water to the powder. Add too much or too little, and it won’t read correctly on the test. It’s important to have your water pre-measured, so you can add exactly the right amount at exactly the right time, to get it the right consistency to pass the test.
Any method of passing a drug test carries risks with it, but urine substitution is by far the simplest and the most accurate. As long as you get your urine from a reputable source, and follow the accompanying instructions carefully, you should get a negative result every time, to pass your drug test with flying colors.